Grammar practice is one of those things most teachers just don’t have time for. Our intentions are pure, but our schedule is packed. Teaching and practicing grammar standards always seem to take a backseat to other subjects. However, our students are in desperate need of grammar instruction and practice. With social media and texting, kids are picking up bad habits every day. If you want to incorporate more grammar practice into your daily classroom schedule, this is for you.

Here are a few simple tips for getting in some grammar practice every day.
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1. Morning Work or Warm-Ups for Grammar Practice
One of my favorite morning routines is using spiral review. Using a grammar spiral review system is the easiest way to ensure students are getting a daily dose of grammar. You can grab a free sample of my favorite grammar spiral reviews, HERE, and give them a try in your classroom.
2. Games and Centers
At some point in your day, you more than likely have your students play games in small groups or move throughout center activities. This is the perfect time to incorporate a grammar practice game. If you have access to a smartboard or tablet, here are a few websites your students might enjoy.
Another option is to incorporate some hands-on grammar games that your students can play in small groups.
If you want grammar games to cover you for the entire school year, click HERE.
3. Tie it into Writing
4. Homework
If you want a system like this for your classroom, you can check it out HERE.
Learn more about grammar spiral review on my blog. {CLICK HERE}
5. During a Read Aloud
One of my favorite books is Saturdays and Teacakes, by Lester L. Laminack. I’ve used this book as a mentor text to model various grammar skills such as strong verbs, proper nouns, dialect, and figurative language. It’s a fantastic book. If you don’t already have it, I highly recommend you add it to your collection.
Need even more tips for sneaking grammar into your daily schedule? Check out this blog post!